Monday, November 28, 2016

Erectile Dysfunction Remedy

It is no longer called impotence. It is now called erectile dysfunction (ED), and it is extremely common. Half of all men will suffer from ED at some point in their lives, and about 70% of the time, it is due to a physical problem such as vascular/heart disease, diabetes, or vitamin deficiency. This is good news, as it means the condition is treatable. In addition, there is a lot of evidence that vitamin nutritional supplements are effective in treating erectile dysfunction.

Survey the Science

It is important to carefully consider the science and safety behind vitamin nutritional supplements for ED. Anyone who uses the Internet knows there are many charlatans these days making outlandish claims about ED treatments. Vitamins that address ED have been studied widely, and we will look at three of these nutritional supplements here.

Erectile Dysfunction Remedy

Studies on Asian Ginseng

Asian Ginseng root (Panax or Korean Ginseng) has been used for hundreds of years in Asia for male potency. It has been researched extensively, mostly in Asia. One clinical study, published in the Korean in 2006, indicated that Asian Ginseng increased erectile function in ED patients, without affecting hormone, liver or renal levels. No toxic side effects of this supplement were noted in the study.

In a 2002 Korean study of 45 ED patients, it also showed Asian Ginseng increased ED function. In Brazil, a study of 60 ED patients showed Asian Ginseng as part of a vitamin supplement made significant improvement in ED without affecting testosterone. In the U.S., there was a 2002 study on animals that showed Asian Ginseng increased both libido and male performance.

Caution should be exercised when combining Asian Ginseng with insulin, warfarin, caffeine, phenelzine, and certain drugs for low blood sugar.

Ginkgo Biloba and ED

Ginkgo biloba is a popular herbal nutritional supplement used to help with variety of health problems. It is commonly utilized as a natural treatment of circulatory problems, because it is a blood vessel dilator, it increases peripheral circulation, and it decreases blood platelet stickiness. It is therefore used to help erectile dysfunction, which is caused by circulatory problems. There have been two clinical studies in 1991 and 1998 that indicate its efficacy for ED as part of a vitamin supplement; there are dozens of studies on ginkgo for various other health disorders. There are some herb-drug and herb-vitamin interactions, so check with your doctor before taking supplement.

Muira Puama (also called murapuama), an herb from the Amazon rainforest, originally was taken as a nutritional supplement for male potency by South American indigenous peoples. There have been multiple studies indicating Muira Puamas efficacy for ED. Notably, in one study in France of 262 ED patients, there was significant improvement in 90% of the participants. No drug-herb or herb-vitamin interactions are yet known.

Quit Smoking

Multiple clinical studies show a connection between smoking and ED. Yes, time to quit. Sex as well as your health is way more important than tobacco!

After your doctor screens you for the cause of your erectile dysfunction, you are free to try a variety nutritional supplements or vitamins that have been clinically tested and have been an integral part of traditional medicine globally for male potency for centuries.
Location: United States


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