Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Erectile dysfunction symptoms disease

The method consists of microinjection of vasoactive drugs directly into the penis before intercourse. The method of intracavernous injection of vasoactive drugs was the most common and most effective methods of conservative treatment of erectile dysfunction. Used for the treatment of prostaglandin, both as monotherapy and in combination. The combination of drugs used to reduce the side effects of each of them by reducing the concentration and potency of the pharmacological action. An integrated policy approach to the appointment of intracavernosal therapy can make use of this method is effective and safe.

Intrauretral therapy impotence

For intrauretral applications various drugs are used such as alprostadil. Urethral drug absorbed through the bloodstream and enters the cavernous body, where the reactions occur, causing an erection. This method is similar to the previous one, but avoids an injection into the penis. Currently, this therapy is not widely used because of the high cost of drugs and adverse reactions (burning sensation in the urethra), and the need for mandatory condom use.

Surgical treatment of impotence

Surgery recently used less frequently because of the high efficiency of drug therapy. Surgical techniques used in extreme cases, when conservative treatment does not yield the desired results and in certain indications. Surgical treatment of venous insufficiency of the penis is performed in case of defeat venozapiratel mechanism of the penis. Despite the great age of this method, its effectiveness is about 50%. However, even at relatively low results of venous surgery penis is still used in clinical practice, incremental to other previously used method that allows to achieve high results. Surgical treatment of arterial insufficiency of the penis is shown in the case of insufficient arterial blood flow to the erectile tissue. Micro vascular arterial bypass surgery is carried out, the effectiveness of which varies from 30 to 50%. This operation has shown high efficiency in young patients.

Penile prosthesis is currently the main method of recovery of penile rigidity. Implantation of prosthetic devices is the final stage of the treatment of impotence, when all previous methods of treatment have failed.

Psychotherapeutic techniques

On the issue of treatment of impotence research medical advice sounded in unison by some heads of "Kama Sutra". Main role is given to the three-step technique of sensuality focusing.

This method advises during sexual intercourse more attention to the satisfaction of the partner. In the first stage partners deliver mutual pleasure with no contact with the genitals. In the second stage partners relate to sexual organs and erogenous zones of a partner, but do not enter into sexual intercourse. Only at the third stage, the sexual intercourse takes place.
Location: United States


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