Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction
Many of the people who have diabetes end up getting erectile dysfunction later in their lives. In fact, a total of 70% of men who are over the age of 50 who already have diabetes will be dealing with erectile dysfunction. One of the main reasons is because of the nerve damage that is done to patients with diabetes. It is unfortunate, but many of the men who have diabetes will not be able to fix their erectile dysfunction problems because they are already past the point of no return.
This is the case because the diabetes can cause serious nerve damage to the body and also disrupts the blood flow around the body. This is the main cause of erectile dysfunction in most men and it is the same with the men who have diabetes. If you want to make sure that you are going to avoid erectile dysfunction, you have to try to maintain a better diet and monitor your levels of sugar at all times. This will help you to avoid getting more serious problems than you have to, but diabetes patients are particularly high risk. Make sure you aren’t just another statistic, but you take action to fight it.
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